Call Deposits provide higher interest rates than a Savings Account, giving you flexible access to your savings and helping you diversify your assets.
Key features
- Minimum balance requirement of RMB50,000
- Two available deposit tenors: 1 day or 7 days
How to ApplyHow to Apply How to Apply How to Apply How to Apply
HSBC Premier customers
HSBC Advance customers
Other customers
400-820-3090 (8:30-17:30, Mon - Fri, holidays excluded)
Please dial the country code of mainland China +86 if you are calling from overseas, Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, or Taiwan
Branch service
Contact us
Leave your contact details with us and we’ll be in touch in 1-2 business days
Account type |
Tenor | Minimum balance required (RMB) |
Minimum withdraw amount (RMB) |
Call Deposits |
1 day or 7 days | 50,000 | 50,000 |
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Personal Large-Denomination Certificates of Deposit
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Personal Large-Denomination Certificates of Deposit adopt standard terms and a minimum deposit amount, while the interest rate for the issue of Large-Denomination Certificates of Deposit is determined by a market-oriented method.