1. The Investment Plan is an open-end and publicly offered investment product, which is non-capital protected with floating return. Neither capital nor return is guaranteed. You may suffer substantial loss of capital. You should fully understand the investment risk and act prudently in making the investment decision. The Investment Plan has significant difference from traditional deposits, and involves investment risk. Investor may suffer capital loss upon redemption and the redemption proceeds could even be zero.You should fully understand the investment risk and act prudently in making the investment decision. The Investment Plan has significant difference from traditional deposits, and involves investment risk.
- Return risk: This financial plan is not equivalent to traditional deposits and involves floating returns. The Bank does not provide any guarantee or promise on the return of the investment plan. The investment plan does not guarantee a return higher than other investments or deposit products, and the return may be zero.
- Credit risk: Under this plan, the investor is responsible for the credit risk of the Bank, overseas fund manager, overseas fund investment adviser, overseas bond issuer and overseas bond guarantor (if applicable), custodian bank, overseas custodian bank and overseas counter party.
- Overseas investment risk: Not with standing the fact that investors do not directly invest in or hold overseas bonds issued by overseas issuers, but rather subscribe the investment plan issued by the Bank, all the risks associated with the Bank’s investment in the overseas bonds will be passed onto investors as the overseas bonds issued by overseas issuers are the Bank’s investment targets under this plan.
- Exchange risks:If the investment currency is not your base currency, and you choose to convert to other currency for the purpose of subscribing to this investment plan and/or you choose to convert the principal investment and return (if any) back to your base currency, your actual investment result could be affected positively or negatively due to exchange rate fluctuations. The exchange rate fluctuations might cause positive or negative affects. In the worst case scenario, the investor might gain a zero return due to the exchange rate fluctuations, and lose the 100% of the principal.
- Principal Risk: This plan does not provide capital protection. Investors may suffer redemption of the principal loss, the redemption amount may even be zero, that is, the loss of all principal capital.
The above list only covers part of the risks involved in the financial plan. Please refer to the "Risk Disclosure" to fully understand all details of the risk factors involved in this financial plan.
2. The information shown in this website does not constitute any contract value, and should not be regarded as any offer, solicitation or recommendation to conduct any investment, subscriptions or purchase of any products. If you plan to make any investment or subscription, please ask for relevant legal documents from the Bank. All rights and obligations relating to any specific products will be subject to the legal documents.